Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Definitions for computer programming.

1.       Algorithms:  Step by step instructions that are given describes how to reach a goal. Can be used in computers, maths and many more.
2.       Pseudo code: Pseudo means like, pretending to be. Pseudo code means like code, a tool used by programmers to describe an algorithm. It contains standard words like ‘being’, ‘end’ ‘hint’ but it is not, it is not understood by a computer.
3.       Machine Language: Code for an algorithm written in a low level language that only the computer understands. ie; doesn’t have English words.
4.       High Level Computer Language: Contains regular words like ‘if’, ‘then’, ‘else’ etc...
5.       Flowchart: an algorithm described using a diagram. It uses standard symbols eg; diamond symbol is used to selection.
6.       Sequence: is the order in which the steps are carried out.
7.       Selection: In an algorithm is where you have to make a choice, usually between 2 items.
8.       Repetition: Repeating a step again and again until your goal is achieved.
1.       Negotiating traffic lights as you drive down a street.
Is the light green? If yes continue driving. If no is the light red? If yes step on the break to stop. If no slow down.

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