Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Say Something

This script is to make Nina the cat say 'I eat poo!' for 2 seconds. The orange instruction is a controlled instruction and the purple is a looks instruction. It makes the sprite Nina say 'I eat poo!' when clicked for the limit of time selected in this case, 2 seconds.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Definitions for computer programming.

1.       Algorithms:  Step by step instructions that are given describes how to reach a goal. Can be used in computers, maths and many more.
2.       Pseudo code: Pseudo means like, pretending to be. Pseudo code means like code, a tool used by programmers to describe an algorithm. It contains standard words like ‘being’, ‘end’ ‘hint’ but it is not, it is not understood by a computer.
3.       Machine Language: Code for an algorithm written in a low level language that only the computer understands. ie; doesn’t have English words.
4.       High Level Computer Language: Contains regular words like ‘if’, ‘then’, ‘else’ etc...
5.       Flowchart: an algorithm described using a diagram. It uses standard symbols eg; diamond symbol is used to selection.
6.       Sequence: is the order in which the steps are carried out.
7.       Selection: In an algorithm is where you have to make a choice, usually between 2 items.
8.       Repetition: Repeating a step again and again until your goal is achieved.
1.       Negotiating traffic lights as you drive down a street.
Is the light green? If yes continue driving. If no is the light red? If yes step on the break to stop. If no slow down.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Website Theory

I am doing Jessica Pasco's of VA.2 blog. She has 6 artworks, which are all displayed on her website. Nina and Mary are in my group, each doing their own person's blog.

The sizes for her 5 landscape images are  854 x 570 and her 1 portrait photo is 570 x 854. I edited the size of these images using Microsoft Office Picture Manager by Edit Picture > Resize > Adjust Sizes. If you click a photo (dimensions of 114 x 171)  on the home page, it opens in another tab of the same photo in its original size of 854 x 570. 

There was a comment section and 'Allow Attachments which wasn't suppose to be there but i was able to remove it by More > Page Settings > deselect Allow Attachments and Allow Comments.