Monday, August 13, 2012

QR Codes

1.       What is a QR code?

A QR code is a unique two-dimensional code which can be read by a QR reader, a mobile phone with a camera and smartphones. QR means 'Quick Response' and it started in Japan.

2.       What can they be used for?

It can be used by businesses promoting to their potential customers to instantly learn about their products (marketing) or to help people who are lost, where they can take photo and it links/shows them their way.

3.       Provide some examples of how they are being used in marketing and education.

Education:  An increasing numbers of schools have started mainly using technology and QR codes are essential to for faster learning such as accessing videos, websites and other helpful sources.

Marketing: Qr codes can be used for promoting a business or a product such as placing it on a poster where the public can take a picture of it and it links them to further infromation about the product. It can be used for business cards, where all your information can just be scanned instead of writing it all down (less time consuming).

4.       What hardware (Device) and software (apps or programs) do you need to scan a QR code?

To scan a QR code, you need either a QR reader, a mobile phone with a camera or a smartphone. For the iphone you can download the 'Scan' app made by QR Code City to read a QR code.

5.       What hardware and software do you need to create a Qr code?

To create a QR code you need a computer or a smart phone (hardware) and a qr code generator (software). You can display it on a poster.

6.    QR code that links Madeon - Finale

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