Monday, May 21, 2012

    1. What are some advantages of digital video
There is a reduced sensitivity to noise and interference, digital equipment performs tasks that are difficult or impossible to perform using analog technology efficiently and more economically.

    1. What is meant by frame rate in video?
Frame rate can also be called frame frquency. TYhe frame rate is the number of frames or images that are shown per second.
    1. Are all videos/movies the same frame rate, explain your answer
No, not all videos/movies have the same frame rate. It depends on what is being filmed, for example a horse race would use more frames than an interview as the horse race has more movement in the video as an interview would be just two people talking.

    1. What is meant by resolution, how is it measured.

Resolution is the sharpness and clarity of and image. the resolution is mesaured in pixels.

    1. What is the colour system called RGB
Te colour system (RGB) consists of three colours; red, blue and green. the RGB system can also be called an 'additive' system, because it starts as black but then it absorbs light and colour is added
    1. Explain the video standards PAL, NTSC, and SECAM, what are the main differences between them.
PAL(Phase Alternating Line), the analogue video format. it shows the way each colour part of information on a video signal is reversed in phase with each line.

NTSC (The National Television Standards Committee). it has 29.97 frames of video a second. each has 480 lines of vertical resolution out of a total of 525.

SECAM: (sequential color with memory) it is an analog television system. it uses memory to store lines of colour information.

    1. Which standard do we use in Australia?
Australia uses PAL.
    1. What is an IEEE 1394 port
Is like a usb port, which connects firewire connectors to the computer (the entry area of the device).

    1. Why do digital video cameras use video compression
Digital video cameras use video compression to compress large amounts of data and to make it easier to handle. It's more clear, like the difference between raw and jpeg.

    1. Describe what a codec is.
A codec is a microchip that compressess and decompresses data. Takes a raw file and turns it into a compressed file.
    1. What is meant by “generation loss”, where does it happen?
Generation loss is the loss iof quality and potential increase of file size between copies of data.Reducing the quality by photo copying a photo copy that was photo copied is an example of generation loss. The quality isn't as good as trhe original. It happens ion analog systems

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