Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Changes while creating this video:

  • Nina is the narrator instead of me.
  • I am the cameraman replacing Nina.
  • Mary joined our group halfway through the assignment.


  • PROBLEMS: At first we couldn't film as the lighting at school wasn't very good so we had to arrange a time where i could go to Nina's house to film.
  •  Mary was grounded so she couldn't help film.
  • When we first recorded our voice memo, it didn't fit, so we had to re do it so it would suit the video.
  • I had a few days off/office monitor when we were working on the assignment.


Mary's blog.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Nina's hands are used in the video instead of Mary's.
I am recording for the video.
Mary is finsihed
Me and Nina filmed when she came over, but we still had a lot to finish so i gave her the remaining part to film, as i fix the storyboard.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Story board is finished. Mary finished the Synopsis. Nina is coming over to film but Mary is grounded so she can't come.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Started planning what is actually going in the video. Started drawing everything with Nina, while Mary finished her speeches.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Gantt Chart

For today's lesson, I created the Gantt chart for my group.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Sandy: Team leader. Writing a 2 minute speech about why we want the cloud. Camera person.

Nina: Writing a 2 minute speech about "What is the cloud?" and speaking in video (narrator).

Mary: Writing 2 minute soeech about "What is the advantages and disadvantages about the cloud?" and in the video, is the person moving things around.